Awakening to Love
Published 2-3-2022
All Time & All Eternity
Beloved Mama’s,
What a beautiful day this day is, this day and all days, as time is a sacred gift that allows us to live in timelessness or better put in the Heaven that is here and now.
All time and all eternity exist simultaneously, therefore all time and all eternity exist here now. I understand that the true concept of time… that there truly is no time is challenging to a mind locked within the box of time. Think of a book sitting in your lap. The entire book is right there in your lap, one book in one time and space… in your lap here, now. All the stories, all the chapters, all the journeys and adventures described in that book are all here now, sitting in your lap at the same time, simultaneously.
Because of the nature of time and timelines it cannot be other than scripted outside of time, we wrote the story of our life long, long ago… or maybe we are still writing it… or maybe it was written in the future. One thing is for certain, as you move through time, one moment at a time, you are not moving through a haphazard chaotic world… as chaotic as things may appear.
You are moving through Grace, you are moving through love, you are moving through God because nothing exists outside of God. You may be sitting in Heaven under the most beautiful, ancient tree, with birds singing and a soft breeze caressing your beautiful Soul… yet you can be sleeping and dreaming or you can be wide awake to it all.
The lower mind is what puts you to sleep, listening to the thoughts of separation rather than feeling the rapture that is always, ever present… basking in the bliss of being here now. There is no where to go… you are a Mind and nothing else. You are pure Divine conscious awareness and nothing else. You never leave your Mind, you never leave the Mind of God, you never leave the all that is. You can sit under that tree and imagine great expanses of space, you can dream of traveling to distant worlds… yet in Reality you have not left your Mind, you have not gone anywhere.
We can never go anywhere nor can we ever find a time other than now. Therefore, use time wisely, use time to be present and aware and know your oneness with your Creator and all loving Source, feel the oneness of that eternal Union, that is where the state of Heaven or Home abides… bask in the ever loving heart of God, heart of the Universe.
We have a beautiful day full of present moment love… be present to the love of Self which bridges you to the love of our Creator and all life.
I am with you always, we cannot possibly be apart, no one can ever be apart from anything nor anyone in Reality because the awareness that is you is one with all life… one with our eternal, all loving source that sustains our existence now and forever more.
Make each moment sacred by pouring out your unending gratitude for your all loving Creator that sustaines our existence… sustains the existence of all things that appear separate. The Creator loves all His extensions equally and with uneding love and rapture beyond what can be comprehended by a body mind.
Awakening to love is awakening to and opening up to that love that never ends, that love that is everywhere always. We wake up to what we Truly are… an alive, aware, invisible extension of pure all loving Divinity.