Love of Sacred Self is the Way Home
Published 3-15-2022

We are one with and connected to an infinite vortex of energy, the true Self… nothing is too big to create when we are infinite life force, unending power.
Focus on your truth, align yourself with that which you love, bask in what brings you joy and makes your heart sing. Love of the sacred Self is the way home to your Divine Creator, the God of your understanding.
Know you have a voice and a unique gift to bring to the world that enlivens you as well as inspires others. Don’t be afraid to shine your love and light, be the unique ray of divine grace that you are. You are here to shine your unique vibration into the world, each and every being is divine grace radiating through the body mind as a gift to the Self, the Divine Creator Source and all life.
You are not here to please anyone except your Divine Soul power, one with and in God. In loving your own true nature, you will naturally bless all those around you. Honor your sacredness and love your deepest self and the God of your understanding by following your greatest joy. This is true Self Love and self-love is the fastest and most direct way to know, honor and connect in oneness with the God of your understanding.
More Messages4Humanity Channeled by John, The Beloved