Stillness Saves Time
Published 3-21-2022

Today practice being as still inside as possible, even when moving the body or working the intellect. Be here now, know there is no where to go and nothing to do but be here now. It matters less what we do as it does how present and loving we are in what we are doing… always moving from love and forgiveness. Presence makes space for more time, so if you are ever feeling you need more time, simply become deeply present to the now moment and time will stand still… time will expand and slow and you will have more time to do all that you want to do. Bring all your attention into the now moment rather than scattering your attention into all the things you need time to do. You have all the time and more to do all you have come to do and more. Time is an illusion, an illusion you can use for benefit or for torment, lets use it for our benefit by being present to the peace within us, the love within us, the joy within us, the wisdom within us.
What brings us the most joy is being present to what is arising now, because Heaven is always here now… that is the only place you can experience the state of Heaven. Heaven is not a place… you don’t need to go anywhere or change anything in order to experience Heaven, you simply need to be still and fully attentive to what is arising within and without, here now. Be here now, rest in the silent still that is the canvas of your consciousness which allows all that appears to come and go to pass through. Rest in your Infinite, Eternal Divine Awareness behind, beyond, underneath all the appearances.
More Messages4Humanity Channeled by John, The Beloved