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Waves arising from the eternal ocean

Published 4-3-2022

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Beloved Mama’s,

Now is the perfect time to know what you are, as life itself, as pure awareness, beauty and grace.

There is only life, pure consciousness animating in and dancing through forms and dimensions, species and colors far more than we can count. Take this moment to witness life arising forth from your vortex now. Without judgement, as the neutral witness, basking in amazement of the miracles created and creating before you now. Without defining or figuring out or even determining a purpose… simply life arising now, and now and now. Nature arising now, love arising now… many forms, one Source.

Observe without judgement and simply look with wonder, fully connected to your inner heart, pure conscious awareness, in touch with the deepest love and compassion, allowing what is within and without to arise and fall. Knowing it is all temporary waves on the eternal ocean of your infinite unchanging conscious awareness, passing clouds in the sky of your permanent, wholly innocent divine grace.

All life is One, emerging from one Source, dancing in temporary forms as love, with love, from love, for the mere joy of expressing love now.


All my eternal love, your loving son John.

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