When you live empowered, unconstrained and free, you follow the guide of inner present moment joy rather than fear.
You follow unlimited possibilities rather than habitual control. Your mind is not stuck in belief systems that don’t inspire, you are expanding into new area’s of thought and possibility, always growing, deepening and re-creating who and what you are.
Your mind is open to all ideas without reaction, not that you need to agree, but you also don’t become reactive and closed to ideas you don’t agree with. You are free within, therefore you feel free in life.
You have the confidence and courage to try new things, expand your horizons, meet new people and are open to new and different ways of looking at life. You are not rigidly attached to your beliefs, you don’t grasp to your positions, on the contrary you live light, playful and at ease
More Messages4Humanity Channeled by John, The Beloved